You Get What You Deserve, Not What You Dream, Desire or Demand

Everyone has dreams.

Everyone has desires.

Everyone has demands.

However, you don't get what you dream, desire or demand.

You get what you deserve.

That's a sad reality of life.

Sometimes it may appear that someone gets things but are not truly deserving.

The truth, however, is that the one who decides to give is the one who also gets to decide whom to give.

For the giver, the one who gets from him is the one he thinks deserves that.

So how does one handle this kind of situation?

How to know whether you deserve to get what you dream, desire or demand?

Well, there is no secret recipe.

The right way to handle this is focus on what is in your control and to consciously ignore what is not in your control.

What actions you take are in your control.

What happens after you have done what you did is not in your control.

The right to handle this is, then, to focus on only one thing.

That one thing is  - actions you should take!

Focus on what you ought to do and do those things.

That's it.

Forget the rest.

Whether you get what you dream, desire or demand or you don't, you stay composed.

Neither win nor loss should elate your or shatter you.

You become like a monk who just does his stuff.

You become someone who doesn't care about the stuff that might come your way.

You become "Arjuna" who is told to focus on taking the right actions for the rightful reasons and not fret about the consequences of those actions.

An earlier post titled Karmanya Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadachan dwelt upon this at great length.

In summary, Karmanya Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadachan, is the mantra to follow.

How to Know for Sure the Company You Work at is a Highly Unprofessional Lala Company?

It is Friday evening.

You are at work in what you think is the last meeting of the day.

All of a sudden someone walks inside your room with a sick swag.

This person is carrying a foul-smelling smugness, conceit and stupidity on her face.

You are told someone has said something needs to be done on Monday.

You are not given a choice.

You are not given a chance.

For you this is supposed to be just FYI - for your information.

At that time many of the words and phrases depicted in the picture below run across your mind.

So what is the key takeaway for you?

Just one - you are not at all important.

You do not matter.

The person who walked inside your room matters.

Also those two who told him what needs to be done also matter.

Others folks are inconsequential.

You are the other folks.

You get a sick feeling in your stomach.

This is not the first time you have experienced this kind of non-sense.

You get up.

You say "yes".

You know you can't say "no".

And you also very well know saying "no" is meaningless.

The person and those two who told this person are all one and the same.

They are idiots and asses likewise in cahoots with each other.

The two gentlemen who pretend to be professional and polished are just the opposite.

They are highly unprofessional and dirty at the core.

At that point you sort of give up.

You know you are in a strange situation.

As you pack your bag and walk down to the car parking area a funny thought crosses your mind.

What kind of a company are you in?

And as you drive out of the office building you suddenly get the picture clear in your mind!

What the hell.

You knew all the way, since the day one, what kind of a company you were in.

Highly unprofessional.

Totally lala company.

There is no way you could have ever missed that.

The signs of trouble in the fake paradise, your company is, were always there for you to see.

The henchman of the two idiots is not an employee but a servant.

This person does all their dirty work.

There is no distinction between professional and private matters.

Everything is fair in a lala company.

There are no rules in the real sense.

The biggest lala of them all expects loyalty, blind loyalty.

You feel relaxed immediately.

You know what all you have been through all this while.

And you also know what is the real truth behind the false facade.

Accept it.

You are in a highly unprofessional lala company.

That's it.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

And what happened this time will happen again.

And again.

And yet again.

How You Solve A Problem Tells What Kind Of A Person You Are

Problem solving is an essential life skill.

This skill is really one of key differentiators between what makes one person very successful and the other not that successful or even not at all successful.

So what kind of situations typically come up in the life for any person.

Broadly speaking, there are five types of situations.

And based on what level of problem solving ability a person demonstrates in these situations, people can be broadly classified into five categories.
  • Genius - can see things quite clearly and for any given situation can think in several dimensions as if she has multiple brains
  • Intelligent -  needs to be told what the problem exactly is but can think of different ways to solve a problem
  • Average - needs to be fed the approach right into the mind but can figure out the solution there after
  • Idiot - needs to be told what the solution exactly is but can understand what the solution exactly is and why the solution is the solution
  • Hopeless - not able to understand the solution even after being told what the solution is and also, at times, not able to understand what the problem exactly was

Genius - a person can be considered genius provided she, in a given situation, is able to:
  • First of all, figure out and define what the exact problem is
  • Then, think of the approach to solve that problem
  • And then, solve the problem using that approach
  • And finally, arrive at the correct and the exact solution

Intelligent - a person can be considered intelligent provided she, in a given situation, is able to:
  • First of all, receive the problem statement in a clearly articulated manner but be in a position to correctly understand what the problem exactly is
  • Then, be able to think of the approach to solve that clearly articulated problem
  • And then, solve the problem using that approach
  • And finally, arrive at the correct and the exact solution

Average - a person can be considered average provided she, in a given situation, is able to:
  • First of all, receive the problem statement in a clearly articulated manner but be in a position to correctly understand what the problem exactly is
  • Then, also receive the approach that needs to be used to solve that problem but be in a position to understand what the approach to be used exactly is
  • And then, solve the problem using that approach
  • And finally, arrive at the correct and the exact solution

Idiot - a person can be considered idiot provided she, in a given situation, is able to:
  • First of all, receive the problem statement in a clearly articulated manner but be in a position to correctly understand what the problem exactly is
  • Then, also receive the approach that needs to be used to solve that problem but be in a position to understand what the approach to be used exactly is
  • And then, also receive the solution to the problem derived using that approach but be in a position to understand what the solution exactly is
  • And finally, understand why that solution is the correct and the exact solution for the given problem

Hopeless - a person can be considered hopeless provided she, in a given situation, is able to:
  • First of all, receive the problem statement in a clearly articulated manner
  • Then, also receive the approach that needs to be used to solve that problem
  • And then, also receive the solution to the problem derived using that approach
  • But finally, still not understand why that solution is the correct and the exact solution for the given problem and at times, at the end of it, not even be sure of what the exact problem was!
The above five categories are, as stated earlier, very broad-based.

Most of the people would generally fall between the above categories.

The above categorization, however, provides a neat framework to understand how people solve problem in response to a given situation.

Knowing which one you are may provide you deep insight into your own capabilities.

That way this would be quite useful.

So which one are you?