The Biggest Corporate Curse - Genuinely Fake Leaders and their Stooges

Several organizations, especially where the founders become the MDs or CEOs, but undeservedly so, are afflicted by the biggest corporate curse that is there.

The curse of genuinely fake leaders and their stooges.

There is leadership. This is rare.

Then there is genuine leadership. This is rarest of rare.

And then there is fake leadership. This is common.

Finally, there is genuinely fake leadership. This is commonly common.

Genuinely fake leaders promote the unhealthy breeding of yes sir men, the stooges and then cultivate them causing immense damage to the cultural fabric of the organization.

What are the tell-tale signs of genuinely fake leadership being practiced brazenly and in a bizarre manner by the top man?

Here are a few:
  • Extols the value of inclusion but sets up a gang of yes sir men
  • Talks about diversity but installs yes sir culture
  • Humiliates those who refuse to become his yes sir men
  • Thinks of himself as a visionary but has pin-hole vision
  • Carries a fragile but jumbo-sized ego
  • Acts like a king but, at the core, is a big clown
  • Protects his and his yes sir men's turf

The stooges are a specimen of the most obnoxious type.

And this is what they do:
  • Lift the top man up high on a pedestal made of thin air
  • Keep pumping the fragile but jumbo-sized ego of the top man
  • Treat the top man as a king knowing well that he is a clown
  • Act as "smart alec" in meetings with the top man
  • Show that they are more important in the system than others
  • Humiliate those who are competent

If you happen to work in such an organization, then you are doomed.

You will see the top man and his stooges do non-sensical things quite often.

Like the following:
  • The top man asks his pet stooges to stay back after a meeting to discuss something important - "stooge1, stooge 2, stooge 3, can you stay back?"
  • The top man humiliates professionally competent people by asking them to report into one of his stooges - "can you keep my stooge in the loop"
  • The top man frowns upon others bringing up genuine issues by asking his stooges, "you all should discuss and see what should be done"

मौत कि ओर अग्रसर - The Poem of Death in Hindi with English Translation

The Poem of Death in Hindi

मौत कि ओर अग्रसर, 
है मनुष्य निरंतर |

मौत है जीवन की आखिरी सच्चाई,
चाहे कोई समझा, या किसी कि समझ न आई |

मौत के सामने हर कोई है एक जैसा,
जीवन में हो चाहे, कोई भी कैसा |

मौत कर रही है हम सबका इंतज़ार,
तुम गए इस बार, हो सकता है मैं चला जाऊं अगली बार |

मौत के हाथ में है वह तीर कमान,
जिससे ज़िन्दगी में लग जाता है एक पूर्ण विराम | 

मौत से मनुष्य बच नहीं सकता,
भले ही कोई कहे, "मैं नहीं डरता!

मौत आएगी एक दिन,
पर कब, यह कहना नामुमकिन |

मौत आ रही है धीरे-धीरे तुम्हारी तरफ,
और तुम रहे हो पल-पल मौत की ओर खिसक | 

मौत को अगर हम माने ज़िन्दगी की तरह,
तो ज़िन्दगी को मौत बनने में होगा नहीं कोई कलह |

मौत को कर लो स्वीकार,
इससे बचने का नहीं है किसी को अधिकार | 

मौत का वह पल, 
होता है ज़िन्दगी से अविरल |

मौत के आगे ज़िन्दगी नहीं, 
हम चले जाते हैं न जाने कहीं | 

मौत कि ओर अग्रसर,
है मनुष्य निरंतर |

English Translation follows:

मौत कि ओर अग्रसर, (towards their death)
है मनुष्य निरंतर | (all human beings constantly move)

मौत है जीवन की आखिरी सच्चाई, (death is the last truth of life) 
चाहे कोई समझा, या किसी कि समझ न आई | (whether someone understood, or did not)

मौत के सामने हर कोई है एक जैसा, (in front of death, everyone is equal)
जीवन में हो चाहे, कोई भी कैसा | (in life, whatever one may have been)

मौत कर रही है हम सबका इंतज़ार, (death awaits you)
तुम गए इस बार, हो सकता है मैं चला जाऊं अगली बार | (you went away this time, I could be the one who may go next)

मौत के हाथ में है वह तीर कमान, (death bears that bow and arrow)
जिससे ज़िन्दगी में लग जाता है एक पूर्ण विराम | (which has the power to put a full-stop to life) 

मौत से मनुष्य बच नहीं सकता, (human beings can't escape death)
भले ही कोई कहे, "मैं नहीं डरता! (even if someone says, "I am not scared of it")

मौत आएगी एक दिन, (death will visit you one day)
पर कब, यह कहना नामुमकिन | (but when, no one can be certain)

मौत आ रही है धीरे-धीरे तुम्हारी तरफ, (death is slowly moving towards you)
और तुम रहे हो पल-पल मौत की ओर खिसक | (and you too are moving towards it very second)

मौत को अगर हम माने ज़िन्दगी की तरह, (if we can think that death and life are same)
तो ज़िन्दगी को मौत बनने में होगा नहीं कोई कलह | (then, when life turns into death, there is no issue)

मौत को कर लो स्वीकार, (accept death)
इससे बचने का नहीं है किसी को अधिकार | (you don't have the right to escape it) 

मौत का वह पल, (the moment of death)
होता है ज़िन्दगी से अविरल | (is the continuation of life)

मौत के आगे ज़िन्दगी नहीं, (there is no life beyond death)
हम चले जाते हैं न जाने कहीं | (no one knows where we go)

मौत कि ओर अग्रसर, (towards their death)
है मनुष्य निरंतर | (all human beings constantly move)