When the Top Man is a Complete Idiot and Puts Loyalty Over Merit

When the top man in an organization is a complete idiot and puts loyalty over merit, that is a clear sign that the organization is on its way to disaster.

Such a person is the key ingredient in the recipe that paves the way for the impending disaster and doom.

Such people think they are way too smart.

They may not have achieved much but are full of conceit.

One give away sign of the above is that such an idiot is running after awards, accolades and recognition like a mad street dog searching desperately for food in a dump yard.

For such an idiot any mention in an external forum is like water is for a fish.

Without that he feels dejected, demotivated and desperate.

Without water a fish dies.

Similarly, without a mention in any external forum the idiot would die, figuratively if not otherwise.

However, the mention may be so trivial that no one would notice it but the loyalists.

And that is precisely the reason why such a fool loves loyalty over merit.