You Are Promoted, You Too And Yes, You Too

In some organizations promotions are distributed like candies.

The yearly performance cycle culminates with funny communications regarding every tom, dick and harry (though these are proper nouns capitalization has been omitted intentionally for very obvious reasons) getting promoted.

One of the pet stooges of the top dog would distribute candies, oops... promotions to his pet stooges, who but naturally also happen be the sub-stooges of the top dog.

So a pet stooge of the top dog would write one email after the other: "You Are Promoted, You Too And Yes, You Too"

It would perhaps be more sensible to write an email regarding those few who are not promoted.

Since everyone else would be promoted!

Add what is the criteria to be promoted?

Well, just one and only one.

And to put it in a highly mathematical manner, you get promoted if and only if you are a pet stooge of the pet stooge of the top dog.

There is no requirement whatsoever of the criteria like merit, competency, performance, results on actual ground that would generally be used in a professional set-up.

And in case you happen to ask that question, here's the answer you would get.

What's merit, competency, performance, results on actual ground?

What are these... seriously?

Loyalty, length of service, being in good books of the top dog is only what matters in such organizations.

Of course, such organizations can't have professional set-ups.

They are really speaking lala companies where being a blind loyalist of the bada lala and the chota lalas is the only qualification one ought to have.