Try to Live to 100 and Beyond but be Ready to Die Any Moment

Death is the only reality of life. Rest everything is illusory, transient and what happens to us while we are on the way to meeting our death at a certain moment.

When we die we need just 6 ft by 3 ft hole to be burned in or buried under. All the great things we did or failed to do, all the material possessions we acquired or failed to acquire, all the nice things we said or failed to say, come to a sort of nothingness.

It is painful to think that your father and mother will grow old and weak, might fall sick as well and eventually die one day. There is no reason to assume this will not happen to you. Hence it is important to treat your parents well and take care of them when they are alive. Praying with folded hands in front of their photos on a wall after they die is meaningless.

Stay with them, touch them, hear them and listen to them. It is better to talk to them, understand their concerns, share beautiful moments with them, take them out to places they want to see, make them feel happy and blissful while they are alive. This will help them meet their deaths happily and peacefully. And it will help you also to meet you death happily and peacefully as you won't carry the guilt and regret that you couldn't make your parents life happy when they were alive.

Like your parents you will also grow old and weak, might fall sick as well and eventually die one day. Like you and your parents, your kids and their kids (and in fact everyone) will grow old and weak, might fall sick as well and eventually die one day. So be nice with your kids and enjoy time with them. Touch them, hear them and listen to them.  It will help you and your kids to meet death happily and peacefully as neither you nor they would carry the guilt and regret that either couldn't make the others life happy when alive.

It might also happen that your kids die before you die. In that case also you will have no guilt and regret if you have done the above. It can also happen that your kids don't do unto you as you did for your parents. Don't even expect it. If your kids do all that you did for your parents good and if not even better.

There is no point in waiting for tomorrow to start doing these things. It's better to start right now. Remember time is running out for all of us. The journey towards death starts the very moment one takes birth.

Watching someone die is a very mind numbing and humbling experience. More so if the person dying meets with an untimely death. But then death doesn't care about the time. It will come when it has to come. Seeing someone die and being consigned to flames is the most beautiful and pure truth of one's existence. It tells you your ultimate destination. Becoming a president, a CEO, a general, etc. is not the end point of life, dying is.

Death, however, should not mean one stops living because one has to die one day. It rather means one needs to live life to its fullest extent so that one is prepared to die when the time comes.

One should try to live to 100 and beyond but live each moment as if that's the last moment of one's life. Being ready to die any moment is the ultimate success one can achieve in life. For keeping oneself grounded to reality remember your death, as of anyone else, matters a zilch in this universe. Sun, moon, stars, earth will go on with their motions even if all of us were to die at this very moment. We are born to die and we should welcome it happily at all moments.

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