Why A Poor Perfomer Has No Choice But To Become A Complainer?

A poor performer is a an immaculate work retard.

A poor performer is also an incorrigible work shirker.

A poor performer is expert at providing lame excuses like the following when confronted about his performance:
  • I did not get the training
  • I was not clear I had to do that job
  • The meeting should not have been organized
  • I could not do a good job because someone senior was at fault
  • Basically, it is not my fault, not at all
His cab comes in late, every single day, late at least by half an hour to an hour.

After he settles down in the office and if he has no meeting, he saunters his way to the cafeteria.

And not only does he kill his own time he also kills the time of others in the team by getting them to accompany him.

Such people have a bad effect on others.

They are like the bad apple in the basket.

He spends an hour there at the cafeteria.

By this time it is already 10:30am to 11am.

He then checks his e-mails, replies to couple of them.

He also does some work stuff here and there.

He may also attend couple of meetings.

At times when he is in a meeting, his mind is already away at the cafeteria thinking of the tea-break his other team members are having.

The moment he is out of the meeting, he is there at the cafeteria.

And just like that the clock strikes 12:30pm.

He is now ready for lunch time.

He grabs things at the cafeteria, and merrily eats his lunch.

He is then away to the terrace or the road outside in the complex of the office building for a walk.

He along with his lunch buddies from the team that includes some more work shirkers like him spend good amount of time relaxing at the terrace garden.

Not only that, he may be a regular at the morning yoga sessions or the evening exercise sessions.

And for almost two hours this work shirker is at work but away from work.

The clock moves on.

It is now 2:30pm.

The work shirker is back at his desk.

He checks his e-mails.

He also sends couple of e-mails.

He may have some meetings also to attend.

It is now 4pm.

He again saunters to the cafeteria.

And with him the entire team goes to have another round of tea.

This goes till very close to 5pm.

And then the work shirker with others hurriedly come back to their seats.

Some of them have to necessarily leave at 5pm.

They stay far away.

Some of them do not stay far away but don't work even during the work hours so why would they work after that?

And by just coming they are doing an obligation on the company.

Who said they need to work.

They are coming, isn't that itself a bid enough deal.

He doesn't take any late evening or night calls.

Now it almost 5pm.

And he is happy to pack his bag, slings across his shoulders and walks away out of the office.

He had another action-packed day at the office.

Actions that involved long tea-breaks, an even longer lunch break, lots of chit-chat and most of it just silly chat.

On work front, he had a very productive day.

From 9am to 5pm he worked a lot.

How many hours?

A full 3 hours!

And that's fantastic.

What he did in the 3 hours also may not be at all useful.

Such people really have zero productivity.

They also are like bad apples.

And if such work shirkers are those who have the highest experience in the team they get exposed.

Their real face comes out in the open,

And then they start running here and there.

They are left with no choice but to become a complainer.

And if the person they discuss this about is another such work shirker, one with a polished way of talking then you had it.

Such complainers and those they complain to do all kind of non-sense in the name of company culture.

Some companies have no good or bad culture. they simply have no culture.

Companies that breed complainers due to performance cannot have any culture.

Such complainers need to be dealt with sternly.

One has to be cautious and careful though.

The work shirker may be the ring leader but will gets others like him to join the bandwagon to make the whole thing messy.

One must never forgive such complainers and never forget to take them to task when the right opportunity comes.

Waiting for the right opportunity to strike back is the best way to handle such a situation.

Wait on.

Hang along.

Right time is on the way.

Wait for it.

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