Artificial Reporting Structure and Organizational Effectiveness

Right reporting structure is the sine-quo-non for organizational effectiveness.

And if that is not there in an organization it can severely impact the future existence of the organization.

Many organizations have instituted a reporting structure that can be called as "artificial reporting structure".

What is the meaning of artificial reporting structure?

As the word artificial suggests, something artificial is a thing that is created in an unnatural manner.

What is the problem if something is artificial?

There are, in fact, several problems such as:
  • Something artificial will generally have serious inner contradictions.
  • Something artificial is not sustainable in the long run.
  • Something artificial lacks the elegance and pragmatism of the real thing.
An artificial reporting structure can manifest itself in following ways:
  • Some of the people are in roles for which they have no competency other than loyalty and length of service.
  • Some of the people have titles such as XYZ champion, ABC evangelist, etc. which are more like a garnish element in the organization chart.
  • Some of the people occupy non-functional roles which have been created to satisfy their ego though they have reached a career plateau with no scope for any further growth, either lateral or vertical.
  • Some of the people who are the actual functional heads have some other title while on the other hand those whose title shows they are the functional heads are merely figure-heads with no real value-addition.
The reporting structure in an organization needs to be right and appropriate so that it is functionally effective.

And that is a must so that it can eventually result in organizational effectiveness.

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