Dirty Realities of a Third Class Organization that Pretends to be a Five Star Organization

Many organizations give the impression of a being a five star organization when in reality they are a third class one.

What happens in such organizations and what are the dirty realities of such organizations?

First and foremost, the top guy is a complete idiot for whom loyalty is everything and merit is nothing.

The meaningless promotion of the close coterie of the top guy by who else but the top guy only, but naturally, is a shining example of that.

What is the meaning of meaningless promotion?

When a person is promoted from grade Gx to Gx+1 but still does the same silly stuff he was doing earlier, if he was, in fact, doing anything at all, that's a meaningless promotion.

Those who are in higher grades carry a conceited view of themselves. 

No one recognizes them as experts outside the third class organization but they give the false appearance of being experts.

Forget that, no one even knows such typical characters exist on earth!

You utter a new term in the morning and the so-called third class experts in such third class companies would claim they are experts in that thing by the evening and at times, very funnily, by the afternoon itself.

The top man is the biggest joker of them all among the pack of loyalists.

He will promote them for no reason other than loyalty.

Merit is a term that means nothing in such third class companies.

And to hide the silly stuff happening the top dog and his coterie give the false appearance of being a five star organization.

The reality is that such a company is a third class lala company.

The top lala being the most idiot of all. The small lalas are equally idiotic if not more.

The small lalas also carry a big ego just like the big lala.

They expect respect though they deserve none.

A third class company is also highly grade conscious and totally grade driven.

Though the dirty reality is that the grades mean really nothing.

You may have a VP of HR working really as a HR Manager.

Or, VP of IT Support taking care of an area where he doesn't even know how to spell even the basic terms.

The above non-sense can happen only if the organization is a third class one.

The top idiot puts such a sick culture in place.

Loyalty wins hand down in such companies.

Merit, in the real sense and not in the sense of pseudo-experts such companies breed in no time, has no place.

The top idiot takes total care of the interests of his loyal stooges in a blatant and discriminatory manner.

Whether it be some company event or lunch those who may have had zilch contribution still need to be invited.

After all a bloody top dog needs to take care of the puppies.

And if one forgets it the top dog will send an email about that.

He is very particular about ensuring such kind of non-sense continues non-stop. 

What else can one expect from an idiot at the top?

When the Top Man is a Complete Idiot and Puts Loyalty Over Merit

When the top man in an organization is a complete idiot and puts loyalty over merit, that is a clear sign that the organization is on its way to disaster.

Such a person is the key ingredient in the recipe that paves the way for the impending disaster and doom.

Such people think they are way too smart.

They may not have achieved much but are full of conceit.

One give away sign of the above is that such an idiot is running after awards, accolades and recognition like a mad street dog searching desperately for food in a dump yard.

For such an idiot any mention in an external forum is like water is for a fish.

Without that he feels dejected, demotivated and desperate.

Without water a fish dies.

Similarly, without a mention in any external forum the idiot would die, figuratively if not otherwise.

However, the mention may be so trivial that no one would notice it but the loyalists.

And that is precisely the reason why such a fool loves loyalty over merit.

You Are Promoted, You Too And Yes, You Too

In some organizations promotions are distributed like candies.

The yearly performance cycle culminates with funny communications regarding every tom, dick and harry (though these are proper nouns capitalization has been omitted intentionally for very obvious reasons) getting promoted.

One of the pet stooges of the top dog would distribute candies, oops... promotions to his pet stooges, who but naturally also happen be the sub-stooges of the top dog.

So a pet stooge of the top dog would write one email after the other: "You Are Promoted, You Too And Yes, You Too"

It would perhaps be more sensible to write an email regarding those few who are not promoted.

Since everyone else would be promoted!

Add what is the criteria to be promoted?

Well, just one and only one.

And to put it in a highly mathematical manner, you get promoted if and only if you are a pet stooge of the pet stooge of the top dog.

There is no requirement whatsoever of the criteria like merit, competency, performance, results on actual ground that would generally be used in a professional set-up.

And in case you happen to ask that question, here's the answer you would get.

What's merit, competency, performance, results on actual ground?

What are these... seriously?

Loyalty, length of service, being in good books of the top dog is only what matters in such organizations.

Of course, such organizations can't have professional set-ups.

They are really speaking lala companies where being a blind loyalist of the bada lala and the chota lalas is the only qualification one ought to have.

You Get What You Deserve or are Destined to, Not What You Desire or Demand

Many a times you get this feeling that you truly deserved what you failed to get.

You believe you had everything going for you but then, in the end, something did not click for you.

The above happens too often, and with too many people.

Why does the above happen? Why with too many people? And why too often?

First, destiny plays an important role whether you agree with that or you don't.

Being the right person at the right place and the right time can change the outcome of many a life situations.

And the right person in a given life situation may not be you but someone else or maybe no one!

Also, what you deserve is what others really think you deserve. Not what you think you deserve.

What you desire or demand is usually what you think you deserve.

Your desire or demand is generally based on your own assessment of yourself in terms of your capabilities and competencies.

For whatever may be the reason, at times you think that you deserve something.

So you end up having a desire for that something

And not only that, sometimes you end up demanding that something because you really believe that you deserve it!

For all that matters in the end, you may not actually deserve it.

The reason might be very simple, however hard and heart-breaking it might be.

You are totally wrong in your own assessment of yourself.

Those who can give that something to you might think just the opposite of what you think.

That you actually don't deserve it!

Desire and demand have no value.

What you think you deserve is not what really matters.

What others think you deserve is what really matters.

And perhaps the only thing that really matters.

When You Don't Have Much to Say, You Can Only Smile

Very recently I met someone who was going through some crisis at work.

When I asked him about how things are going on, he just smiled.

He spoke about couple of things. But not much.

This is so very true. When you don't have much to say, you can only smile!

Or is it actually a smirk.

Maybe it is more of a smirk than a simple smile.

This shows the person has virtually no control, or has lost most of it, on what's going on.

And not only that. He is also partly, if not primarily, responsible for that crisis.

The question is: can smile help?

Giving an honest answer may be much more helpful.

The answer should obviously talk about why things may have gone the way they did.

And an honest inquiry into the ways and means for not getting into get into such a situation ever again.

The smile may tell another story.

That person is a nincompoop and thoroughly incompetent for the position he holds.

He will smile again, next time, and that too very soon.